
Monday catch-up

CompPharma’s annual meeting was held last week; CompPharma is an association of workers’ comp PBMs of which I am president.  This year the focus was on connecting payers’ Medical Directors, PBMs, and regulators in an effort to broaden all parties’ understanding of each others’ priorities, issues, concerns, and constraints.

A few key takeaways;

  • Drug formularies must be evidence-based and supported by utilization review.  UR must incorporate a quick and intelligent way to resolve disagreements.
  • Formularies should NOT be restrictive – on either side.  That is, regulations should support payers’ ability to restrict access to inappropriate drugs and readily approve drugs that a formulary may deem inappropriate.
  • We continue to make good progress against overuse and abuse of opioids, but the biggest challenge remains long-term users of the drugs.
  • The regulator’s task is beyond complex. Rapid changes in medical knowledge, conflicting state and federal laws (e.g. marijuana), reduced staff in many jurisdictions, and an adjudicatory process built for far less complicated times combine to ensure very few answers are simple and straightforward.
  • Things are getting better in California, where the UR process has likely prevented serious harm in multiple instances.  That said, well over 95% of all medical procedures and treatments are approved, a result that may indicate too much leniency rather than too little.  

CDC’s draft opioid usage for chronic pain guidelines was obtained by an organization despite efforts to keep it closely held..  Notably, CDC’s researchers found precious little evidence supporting the practice.  Note the draft is just that.

Implementing reform

Things are getting contentious in the provider – health plan world.  As payers seek to promote narrower networks, some providers left out of those networks are not happy. While the most public airing of the dispute is in New Jersey, rest assured this is occurring in your state.

Expect a lot more in the news about this early next year; we’ll be all over this in January.

Meanwhile, both primary care and specialist physicians have seen a slight increase in pay since reform implementation.

Health insurance premium increases have been the subject of much reporting and even more confusion – some of it caused by the reporting.  Here’s a quick summary of what’s REALLY happened.  One key quote:

The average premium of the lowest-cost silver plan increased by less than 5 percent in five states, increased between 5 and 10 percent in five states, and increased by more than 10 percent in just four states.

Workers’ compensation

Jennifer Wolf-Horesjh, Executive Director of IAIABC has launched a podcast entitled Accidentally.  The initial effort is well worth a listen.

Along with former SAIF CEO John Plotkin, Bob Wilson, and Bob Reardon of ISG I participated in a panel discussion on Social Media at NWCDC, focusing on positive aspects of social media.  The video is up here.

Meanwhile, the US economy continues to improve, and the workers’ comp world is benefiting as employment increases lead directly to higher premiums.  While rates are decreasing in most states, the jump in payroll is more than enough to offset the rate drop.

NCCI’s out with the final report on how things went for work comp insurers in 2014.  Overall, ’14 results were pretty good despite low investment returns. The combined ratio (claims plus admin expense) stayed below 100, indicating insurers made money on an underwriting basis (not counting investment returns).

And t he good folk at WCRI have just published their latest research on Louisiana; you get order the publication here.  Key takeaway – after adoption of medical treatment guidelines, utilization of medical services decreased.  Remember, correlation is not necessarily causation…


The Anti-Opioid Movement is gaining speed and traction

The pushback on opioids has accelerated dramatically; every day there’s at least one major announcement about states, the Feds, or other entities taking major steps to attack the overuse of opioids.

We are starting to see some progress.  Perhaps most noticeably, a few weeks ago the CDC published draft guidelines re the use of opioids for treating chronic pain.

Unsurprisingly, the pain industry wasn’t happy. They’ve penned letters to CDC officials and Congress, with one complaining: “a lobbying organization that seeks to reduce the prescribing of opioids appears to have played a significant role in developing the guidelines.”

Allow me a moment to pick my jaw off the floor.  This is the height of hypocrisy.

This is coming from an industry that has used the billions it has made from selling opioids to:

  • lobby state and federal elected officials and regulators,
  • pack ostensibly unbiased review panels with drug company shills,
  • fund “research organizations” that published biased research supporting opioids, and
  • brilliantly and effectively promote the use of this incredibly dangerous and damaging drug.

I’m just stunned at the unmitigated gall of these people.

CompPharma (the work comp PBM advocacy organization of which I am president) has joined with the National Safety Council, Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing, American Society of Addiction Medicine, National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse and several other groups to support the DC guidelines.

The human cost of opioids is a constant and terrible reminder of the impact the opioid promotion industry has on each of us.

Yesterday the estimable Steve Feinberg MD sent one of his periodic emails re interesting issues related to work comp and the delivery of care in comp.. This one was a column by Bob Beckel, an editorialist who recounted how he had to check himself into rehab after a mere eight weeks post-op care involving OxyContin and Percocet had addicted him to the stuff.

Truly frightening.  And very common.

A truly awful side effect of the rampant overprescribing of prescription opioids has been the explosive growth in heroin use.  When patients can’t get prescription opioids, those addicted or dependent may well turn to illicit versions of opiates, namely heroin.

myMatrixx’ Phil Walls RPh has written an excellent synopsis of the history and current status of heroin. Detailed, thorough, readable; download and read on your next flight.

Perhaps the most trenchant observation appeared a couple weeks ago in an editorial in the New York Times entitled “How Doctors Helped Drive the Addiction Crisis”.  Here’s Dr Richard Friedman’s concluding paragraphs:

WHAT is really needed is a sea change within the medical profession itself. We should be educating and training our medical students and residents about the risks and limited benefits of opioids in treating pain. All medical professional organizations should back mandated education about safe opioid treatment as a prerequisite for licensure and prescribing. At present, the American Academy of Family Physicians opposes such a measure because it could limit patient access to pain treatment with opioids, which I think is misguided. Don’t we want family doctors, who are significant prescribers of opioids, to learn about their limitations and dangers?

It is physicians who, in large part, unleashed the current opioid epidemic with their promiscuous use of these drugs; we have a large responsibility to end it. [emphasis added]

Kudos to Gov Charlie Baker (R) of Massachusetts.  Gov Baker is calling for a strict limit on initial opioid prescriptions throughout his state.  Of course several docs are protesting this, noting problems of access for patients who need the medications.  It would be even better if these docs noted the problems inherent in opioid prescribing; perhaps they did but the reporter didn’t publish those comments… (thanks to Jake for the tip!)

Finally, there are many, many pieces and parts to ACA, including significant funding for clinical research, patient outcomes research, and research into improving the delivery of care. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute just closed it’s request for proposals for research into Clinical Strategies for Managing and Reducing Long-Term Opioid Use for Chronic Pain.

There’s nothing more important in the work comp world than this issue. 


ACA – what can we expect in the healthplan market in 2016?

First, benefit plans offered on Exchanges are evolving rapidly, with smaller, closed networks getting a lot more traction. A recent report from Avalere found:

from 2014 to 2016, the percentage of plans offering PPO networks dropped from 39 percent to 27 percent. This represents a 31 percent decline over the three year period. Meanwhile, use of health maintenance organization (HMO) and exclusive provider organization (EPO) networks has increased.

This isn’t surprising; health plans get better reimbursement, tighter relationships, and fewer management with small networks.  Expect this trend to continue.

But not without major challenges from regulators, health care providers, and consumers. In New Jersey, the dispute between Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield and a big hospital over Horizon’s value-based care initiative and that initiative’s impact on St Peter’s University Hospital is now before a judge.  Essentially, St Peter’s isn’t on Horizon’s Tier One provider list, which means consumers would have to pay more for care there.  They don’t like that, and want in.  Horizon claims St Peter’s is not committed enough to population-based care.

Expect these disputes to become commonplace.

Next, Co-ops – those start-up health insurance programs designed to add competition to the marketplace, are failing left and right.  Clear evidence that PPACA is failing, and another example of government’s inability to get anything right.  RIght?

Well, no.

In reality, this Congress screwed the Co-Ops.  

Long story short, the start-up Co-Ops were supposed to get financing in part from a risk corridor program that was part-and-parcel of PPACA.  The idea behind the arrangement was to help small players get started so they could provide an alternative to the behemoth health plans dominating our world.

Then Congress intervened.  Here’s Louise Norris:

On October 1, 2015 the federal government notified health insurance carriers across the country that risk corridor payments from 2014 would only amount to 12.6 percent of the total owed to the carriers. The program is budget neutral as a result of the 2015 benefit and payment parameters released by HHS in March 2014. And the “Cromnibus bill” that was passed at the end of 2014 eliminated the possibility of the risk corridors program being anything but budget neutral, despite the fact that HHS had said they would adjust the program as necessary going forward. But very few carriers had lower-than-expected claims in 2014. So the payments into the risk corridors program were far less than the amount owed to carriers – and the result is that the carriers essentially get an IOU for a total of $2.5 billion that may or may not be recouped with 2015 and 2016 risk corridors funding (risk corridors still have to be budget neutral in 2015 and 2016, so if there’s a shortfall again, carriers would fall even further into the red).

Many health insurance carriers – particularly smaller, newer companies – are facing financial difficulties as a result of the risk corridors shortfall. CO-OPs are particularly vulnerable because they’re all start-ups and tend to be relatively small. All of the CO-OPs that have announced closures since October 1 have attributed their failure to the risk corridor payment shortfall.

So, what happened is entrepreneurs based their business plans in part on the risk corridor program.  Congress, in its infinite wisdom, decided to not deliver on its original commitment, thereby killing off competition in many key markets.

One analyst has what I think is a pretty insightful take on non-financial enrollment challenges faced by new entrants to the health plan markets:

“I think the problem with [insurers not doing business profitably on public exchanges] is that it takes time…for them to mature. It is the nature of the insurance business when there is a brand new insurance line, where people had no insurance previously. There needs to be a motivating factor to buy insurance,” which may come when people face more significant fines in 2016 for not having coverage.

— Vishnu Lekraj, securities analyst for Morningstar, Inc. in HealthPlan Week

For a thoughtful piece on just what it takes to start an innovative health insurance plan/company/business, read this.  A key takeaway is it is not just about financing…

What does this mean for you?

Health plans are evolving rapidly, painfully, and some successfully. It’s not pretty but it is necessary.


High deductible health plans are stupid.

Okay, poor grammar, but true.

High deductible health plans (HDPHs) are designed to a) reduce health insurance premiums by b) making people better consumers of health care. It’s also been suggested that lower costs of HDHPs may make it possible for more small employers to provide health insurance.

Let’s take these in order.

First, a bit more background these plans allow members to contribute, tax free, dollars to a Health Savings Account.  These contribution limits in 2014 were $3,300 for individual plans and $6,550 for family coverage.  The idea is folks will be more careful spending their “own” money than their employer’s or insurer’s.  Of course, the members have to actually fund these accounts; more on that in a later post.

Comparing a HDHP plan to a “regular” lower deductible plan, premiums are reduced – but that’s only because the cost is shifted from the employer/insurer to the consumer.  It’s a shell game, and the consumer ends up with the empty shell.

There’s no evidence that these plans make us better consumers of health care, and growing evidence that there’s no such result.  Here’s a quote from a story about a recent study of high deductible plans…

employees who reduced their use of care the most before reaching their deductibles were the sickest workers, even though they were also the most likely to continue using services after their deductibles were reached. Once such workers did exceed their deductibles, their use of medical services increased, the study found.

This brings up the main reason high deductible plans don’t control costs; the 20% of consumers who incur 80% of health care dollars blow thru their deductible sometime in March.  After which their care is free, so they use a lot of it.

Couple that result with the fact that many healthier folks avoid preventive care – including maintenance medications – because they don’t want to spend the money.

When it comes to controlling costs, high deductible plans are counter-productive.

As to the possibility that HDHPs help smaller employers afford coverage, that’s indeed possible.  Notably, according to a Health Affairs article, less than 2% of the smallest employers offered HSA plans in 2012 compared to about a quarter of the largest employers.

And, as of 2012, there were only about 6 million HSAs reported to the IRS, so it does not appear as if the takeup has been dramatic.  Of course, that may well have changed over the last two years.

So, if you’re looking to benefit design to control costs, what’s a better alternative?

Simple.  Replace deductibles and copays with co-insurance.  That is, have consumers share in the actual cost.  If treatment costs $100, then the consumer pays $20; if it is $4000, then the consumer pays $800.  This will make the consumer cost conscious without breaking their bank.

I understand that this will require the consumer, provider, and health plan to know what the cost of care is, ideally before treatment.  That is another major benefit of a co-insurance based program; it will speed adoption of transparent pricing and make consumers much more discerning buyers.

Yes, keep an out of pocket limit to protect consumers.  High utilizers will feel the pain of paying co-insurance far longer than they do today.  As a result, they will be better consumers overall.

What does this mean for you?

This isn’t that complicated, nor is it difficult.  Health plans that do this will gain a competitive advantage.


Catching up…

It’s the busy time – budgets, 2016 planning, getting those revenues in before year end. Tough to keep track of important stuff – no worries that’s what we at the Intergalactic Headquarters of Health Strategy Associates are here for!

First, a brief comment on the Cadillac Tax.  The cries for repeal are ill-advised and politically driven – even if they have the support of both Bernie Sanders and many in the GOP. Fact is repealing the Tax would cut Federal revenues by $87 billion; notably those calling for repeal haven’t figured out how to replace the lost income.

Under PPACA, hospitals, health care providers, insurers, drug companies, device companies are all paying their share to help reduce the number of uninsureds.  Yes, some union members and highly-paid executives with rich benefit plans are going to pay slightly higher taxes – but that’s because they are lucky enough to have incredibly generous benefits.

Whatever happened to shared sacrifice, to working together to solve big problems, to Kennedy’s call to ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country?  We constantly hear politicians talking about making America great; that doesn’t happen without sacrifice from all of us.

It’s time to for Sen Sanders, his GOP allies, and highly-compensated workers and executives to stop whining, suck it up, and do their part. 

Okay, that’s off my chest.

Helios has published their latest update on regulations and legislation affecting pharmacy issues in work comp.  A helpful document to file away for future reference.

NWCDC – the Vegas confab looks to be a big event this year; don’t forget to register for the Women in Workers’ Comp Leadership event here.  It will be held the day before the Conference officially begins.

In the shameless self-promotion department, the must-attend session is the Blogger’s Panel on Thursday at 3:30.  See Mark Walls do his level best to maintain order among chaos as Becky Shaffer, David DePaolo, Bob Wilson and I opine on the great events of the day.

Bob and I will be joined by John Plotkin and Bob Reardon of ISG at ISG’s event at 5:30 on November 11 – we’re going to discuss social media as a force for good in the work comp industry.  Make sure to register here.

WorkCompCentral’s CompLaude Awards Gala will be held December 5 in Burbank.

Finally, for those docs looking to increase their income, here’s a GREAT opportunity.

As a colleague noted, if the new guy is making $700k a year, how much are the partners making??



What’s happening in the “real” health care world?

While premium increases remain at pretty low levels, employees’ share of costs is increasing.  In fact, that’s one reason premium increases are as low as they are.  Without the higher employee premium contributions, deductibles and copays, premiums would have gone up a couple more points.  According to Bloomberg, several factors are contributing:

  • the Cadillac Tax – high-cost health plans will see a tax of 40% on the cost above $10k for individuals and $27.4k for families.  This is leading some to increase deductibles and other cost sharing to keep premiums under the “Cadillac” level.
  • Increasing cost-sharing keeps premiums lower – and lower premiums are more attractive to buyers.  Deductibles now average above $1000; deductibles are up 67 percent over the last six years.
  • And higher premium contributions are also a driver; on average workers are paying more than $1000 towards their coverage.

Consolidation among health plans continues, although there’s little evidence that it will lead to lower costs or better quality.

CEOs from Aetna and Anthem testified before Congress last week, with both touting the benefits of their pending acquisitions of smaller health plans.  While it sure looks like the consolidation binge is concentrating power in the hands of a very few health plans, Anthem CEO Joseph Swedish claimed otherwise, stating: “health insurance is flush with competition…The number of health insurers increased by 26% in 2015 with 70 new entrants offering coverage.”

Not sure Mr Swedish’s claim accurately portrays the state of competition in health insurance, and the American Hospital Association and AMA certainly think it’s a bad thing.  An analysis by the AMA indicates

The combined impact of proposed mergers among four of the nation’s largest health insurance companies would exceed federal antitrust guidelines designed to preserve competition in as many as 97 metropolitan areas within 17 states

While I am VERY skeptical about any analysis by the AMA, I believe that in this case they have a point.  As one expert notes:

I’m aware of no peer-reviewed, published analyses that show that insurance mergers, on average, benefit consumers.

What does this mean for you?

Huge changes in the health care system will have far-reaching implications; watch for more battles between big provider groups and big payers, with smaller payers suffering fall out.  This “fall out” will take the form of higher medical costs due to lack of bargaining power,


Affordable Care and jobs: the data shows…

that the predictions of employment declines due to ACA have turned out to be wrong.

Right up front, let’s agree that it is pretty much impossible to completely separate the impact of one factor from all the others.  Employment is affected by interest rates (still historically low), international trade, consumer demand, construction, and consumer confidence among other things.

That said, the latest research shows no negative impact on:

  • hours worked;
  • labor force participation;
  • employment; and/or
  • the probability of part-time work.

One of the demographic groups of most concern was non-elderly adults with a high school or less education; the fear was employers would slash jobs and hours worked as employment costs would increase under ACA. Yet the data indicates there have been “very small shifts in part-time hiring”; employers have not shifted full-time workers to part time to avoid paying insurance premiums.

Claims that 2.5 million jobs, mostly low-wage, would be lost have been shown to be hyperbole at best; flat-out-wrong would be kind.

What’s pretty entertaining is several of the current crop of GOP Presidential candidates have been touting their states’ employment growth – and in the next breath claiming ACA was a job killer.

IF that was the case, job openings wouldn’t be at their highest level in 15 years…

So, while there’s no evidence ACA is hurting employment, there is lots of evidence that employers cannot find qualified workers.

What does this mean for you?

The reality is this – the claims that “Obamacare” would be a job-killer have been shown to be wrong.


Where was “Obamacare”?

In the GOP Presidential candidate debate last week, there were fewer mentions of Obamacare than there were candidates on stage.

Over the two hour debate, the biggest change to the American health care system in fifty years was mentioned 8 times.

Abortion, Planned Parenthood, ISIS, immigration, Mexico, Russia all garnered more time than health reform.

If there was any doubt whether the Affordable Care Act is here to stay, the lack of attention paid to PPACA by the moderators and candidates should lay that to rest.  That’s not to say all is bright and cheery in health reform land; rates are going up (albeit at much lower rates than predicted); there are still millions of Americans without coverage; and the wrenching changes in our health care delivery system (some – but by no means all – resulting from PPACA) are being felt far and wide.

While almost all of the 17 GOP candidates have positions on health care, health reform, and PPACA, health care reform is no longer an issue worthy of debate.

Perhaps the most telling evidence that PPACA is here to stay is this: Sen. Marco Rubio purchased health insurance thru the D.C. Exchange (and took advantage of a $10k federal subsidy), a decision that seems stunning but wasn’t worthy of mention by any of the moderators or fellow candidates.

What does this mean for you?

PPACA is here to stay.


Maryland has long been a leader in intelligent approaches to managing the cost of health care.  The state has had one of the few effective Certificate of Need programs limiting the medical arms race and employs an all-payer fee schedule for facility care.

In partnership with CMS, Maryland will be shifting payment to hospitals from fee-for-service to an outcomes-based reimbursement scheme.

According to Health Affairs;

a Maryland hospital is no longer paid on a per-admission basis but instead receives a global payment based on the number of Maryland beneficiaries cared for by the hospital. Patients and payers are still charged on the basis of services provided, but overall growth of per capita hospital payments by all payers is limited to 3.58 percent by diagnosis related groups, and the Medicare-specific growth rate will be held to 0.5 percent less than the annual national average. [emphasis added]

Couple quick observations;

a) this doesn’t address physician reimbursement, and as docs are the ones who are ordering the care, that should be addressed.  However, as more and more docs are employed by facilities, that may not be as much of an issue as it was historically.  Also, the authors of th HA piece have other recommendations re addressing this issue that make sense.

b) reimbursement for care delivered to patients not covered by the new scheme will likely remain fee-for-service.  This creates a potential conflict that may hamper development of more effective treatment protocols and pathways. More troubling, different financial terms may incent providers to think differently about care based on who’s paying.  While it may be unlikely docs will change their treatment patterns based on what they get paid, the folks that do the billing will almost certainly take payor status into consideration.

What does this mean for workers’ comp?

  • It’s not just about Maryland; while this is more systemic and organized, we can learn a lot by observing what happens in the Old Line State.
  • a fundamental shift in medical care is occurring, one that will have a dramatic impact on how patients are evaluated and monitored and incentivized to pursue health, what care is delivered via what method (telemedicine, care extenders, wearable technology).  This will dramatically affect workers’ comp – patients will be healthier but the bifurcated payment system will cause headaches.
  • Some providers will seek to gain as much revenue as possible from non-core payers such as worker’s comp.  Revenue maximization efforts will become more sophisticated, targeted, and effective.


Friday’s here!

And you get to start the weekend early (we hope).

While you were focused on other stuff – like work – here’s what else was going on in our little world.

Fraud – two very different views.

This morning’s WorkCompWire arrived with the news that some small businesses are concerned that their employees may be contemplating workers comp fraud.  In a survey sponsored by EMPLOYERS Insurance, 13% of respondents were concerned “employees would commit workers’ compensation fraud by faking an injury or illness in order to collect benefits.”

(according to EMPLOYERS, 6% were very concerned, 7% somewhat concerned)

The other fraud-related topic comes from WorkCompCentral’s Sherri Okamoto. Ms Okamoto filed a story on the Labor Dept.’s just-published finding on employee misclassification.  In the announcement by DOL, the following statement appeared:

A worker who is economically dependent on an employer is suffered or permitted to work by the employer. Thus, applying the economic realities test in view of the expansive definition of “employ” under the Act, most workers are employees under the FLSA.

WCC’s piece noted several recent court cases, rulings, and other findings that have forced employers to pay back wages, re-classify workers as employees, and otherwise restricted businesses’ efforts to avoid identifying workers as contractors.

The implications for health and workers’ comp insurers are clear: more premiums and a larger market.

Note – DoL’s document is well worth the read as it is highly relevant to the evolving “sharing economy”.

Implementing health reform

Following up on my piece re “there is no Obamacare”, found this from Avalere Health;

the average provider networks for plans offered on the health insurance exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) include 34 percent fewer providers than the average commercial plan offered outside the exchange.

No one should be surprised by this.  Health plans competing on exchanges MUST be price competitive; now that healthplans can’t just deny coverage, they have to compete on the basis of delivering care at the lowest possible cost (yeah, outcomes will be a factor at some point, but they really aren’t so far).  The cost of care is determined in large part by provider reimbursement and utilization of health care services, both of which are driven by the payer-provider contract.  Providers want more volume, lower administrative burdens, less uncertainty about and much speedier reimbursement – and do NOT want to share patients with every other Dr Tom, Dr Dick, and Dr Mary in their service area.

And that’s why we have narrow networks on exchanges – providers give lower prices in return for more patients and less hassle.

BTW, this is right where we were back in the heyday of group- and staff-model HMOs; they fell out of favor as members wanted more choice.  Now, those people who want choice are going to have to pay a lot more for it.

Expect to see much more “network narrowing” in the future.

Another state is going to expand Medicaid – Alaska.

Providers are getting stronger

This week’s announcement that Connecticut-based Yale-New Haven health system is acquiring another big hospital in the eastern part of the state is just one more indication that the provider world is consolidating and gaining negotiating leverage.  Both health care providers and the payer industry are consolidating, but to date it appears the providers are the ones gaining the upper hand in the battle for leverage.

See you next week