Insight, analysis & opinion from Joe Paduda


Workers’ Comp – the answer to the spinal fusion question

Kudos to USAToday for publishing a pretty good article on variations in practice patterns related to back surgeries. In a front page story today, the paper that has been derided by some as “McNews” explores the issues surrounding the explosion in the number of spinal fusions.
The reporting is balanced, insightful, and thorough, a bit of a surprise coming from a paper that prides itself on short sentences, really short words, and lots of color, not depth and nuance.
Noted throughout the article is the primary problem – no one knows how many spinal fusions are the right number, and there is significant disagreement among stakeholders re when a patient should have surgery. (free registration required) That’s all true, and that’s where workers compensation comes in.

Continue reading Workers’ Comp – the answer to the spinal fusion question


How much is too much?

Dr. Biill McGuire, Chairman and CEO of United HealthGroup (UHG), is leaving the company. In an answer to the old question, “how much is too much?”, the answer is “$1.5 billion“.
This is, of course, the value of stock options that Dr. M received from UHG over the course of his career, a substantial portion of which were backdated to ensure he received the maximum possible payout.

Continue reading How much is too much?


McClellan’s parting views

Dr Mark McClellan has left his post as administrator for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). On his way out he talked about the future of the Medicare program, his views on the benefits of market-based competition, and his prediction that we are in what will be known as the biomedical century.
McClellan has garnered relatively positive reviews from across the political and editorial spectrum. By all accounts he is smart, dedicated, and a good person. That last is from a reader who knows the family and respects them. While that may all be true, I’m afraid McClellan missed a great opportunity. While he has worked diligently to promote data collection, quality and performance monitoring, and investigations of pay for performance, I have not seen much direct attention paid to practice pattern variation.
That’s a big miss.


The provider – payer debate continues

My recent post on the battles between large health plans and hospitals/health systems generated a good bit of debate. One comment deserves special attention; “the other Joe” notes that the western PA landscape is marked by a combination health care system/health plan that dominates the region. While this type of vertical integration has been tried many times in the past with rather limited success, this version looks to be much better positioned to succeed.
But as the other Joe points out, there are significant costs associated with that “success”, costs that are borne by the system/plan’s employees, payers, insureds, patients, and employer customers.


Direct contracting

A reader asked several excellent questions about when and under what circumstances direct contracting makes sense. That’s when an employer contracts directly with health care providers.
My take is an employer has to have at least 750 lives in one area – plant, school, city government, facility, etc. in order to have any buying power at all. And 750 may well be on the low end.
As to whether a partially self-insured employer, say one with a specific deductible of $50,000, should do this, I’d say yes. The vast majority of bills will come from members with total costs well under the $50,000 limit.
Lastly, direct contracting takes expertise and patience. Knowledge of provider payment mechanisms and expectations, an understanding of the related legal issues, an intimate understanding of the local provider community, and really good employee relations are the bare necessities. Without these, stick with a “regular” health plan.

Continue reading Direct contracting


Welcome to Health Affairs

Health Affairs, my favorite health policy magazine (and perhaps the only health policy magazine) has launched a blog. One of the first posts is by James Robinson, and is a review of Redefining Healthcare by Porter and Teisberg. I haven’t read the book so I can’t comment on Robinson’s commentary.
One of the complaints about Health Affairs is it only appears quarterly; then again, given the weighty nature of the periodical that may have been a blessing in disguise. The new blog will likely remedy that situation, although the blog’s apparent weekly posting schedule will have to be fixed if HA wants to be a meaningful player in the blog-o-sphere.
They’re just getting started, so let’s give them time.


Health Wonk Review – the Harvest Moon edition

Health Wonk Review is up and sprinting. Despite a hint of chill in the air here in New England, the darn thing is growing like a weed. I attribute that to the hothouse conditions that exist in today’s health care policy environment.
Thanks to all who submitted entries; a few did not make the cut as they were not remotely on-topic. Those that did make the cut represent the best of health policy blogging.

Continue reading Health Wonk Review – the Harvest Moon edition

Joe Paduda is the principal of Health Strategy Associates



A national consulting firm specializing in managed care for workers’ compensation, group health and auto, and health care cost containment. We serve insurers, employers and health care providers.



© Joe Paduda 2024. We encourage links to any material on this page. Fair use excerpts of material written by Joe Paduda may be used with attribution to Joe Paduda, Managed Care Matters.

Note: Some material on this page may be excerpted from other sources. In such cases, copyright is retained by the respective authors of those sources.

